Development approach


Development approach

  • Produce human resources on the basis of knowledge, skill, experience and expertise in relevant fields. Special priority is given to women and disadvantaged groups
  • Devise and implement internal management systems, in line with the decision made by the company board.
  • Develop close coordination, cooperation and systematic networking with local, national and international governmental and non-governmental organizations.
  • Seek support from the community, governmental and non-governmental organizations, including international donor agencies.
  • Act collaboratively with various national and international organizations in order to achieve the objectives.
  • Develop programs on the basis of community needs, company’s objectives and its capacity, with specific target toward supporting the Government of Nepal.
  • Ensure integrated development initiatives and partnership building to guarantee clear and tangible impacts on the livelihoods of underprivileged and poor people
  • Enhance the capacity of rural people to obtain basic services, through need identification, planning, designing, implementation and monitoring/evaluation of all activities.

Seek national and international market linkages for quality farm products